Daycares and Child Care Facilities
Lead Paint and Lead Poisoning Prevention [Health Code Section 47.63] Child care facilities must be lead-free. Before opening, the program operator or building owner must conduct lead testing or certify the facility is free from lead-based paint. Any repairs to prevent lead poisoning must be made immediately. Hire an EPA-certified contractor for repairs.
Follow the U.S Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) “3Ts” for reducing lead in drinking water from faucets and fountains:
Train program staff to raise awareness about lead hazards, their causes and health effects.
Test drinking water to identify potential problems and take corrective action.
Tell parents and staff about monitoring programs, potential lead risks and the results of testing and remediation.
If drinking water lead level tests at or above 15 parts per billion (ppb), the permit holder must submit a CAP to the Health Department and take corrective action as recommended by the EPA, such as removing fixtures and finding alternate sources of water.